Repairing & Maintenance and renewal following work items
- Dismantling and refitting of shaft coupling
- Withdrawal and fitting back of the shaft
- Dismantling and refitting of intermediate shaft
- Dismantling and refitting of fix propeller
- Dismantling and refitting of CPP propeller blades
- Renewal of simplex seals
- Machining of chrome layner
- Machining of propeller blade undersides
- Dismantling and refitting of shaft and rudder bearings
- Renewal and machining of shaft and rudder bearings
- Machining of bearing places on board
- Special stainless steel welding of shaft and rudder bearing places in workshop
- Machining of shaft and rudder bearing places
- Polishing of propeller blades
- Crack testing of propeller, shaft and rudder stock
- Repairing of propeller cavitated areas
- Balancing of propellers
- Overhauling of complete cpp hub
- Maintenance and renewals of cpp piston
Other special works
- Azimuth drive systems
- Voith Schnider system
- KaMeWa and LIPS waterjet systems
- Cedervall systems
- Machining of cpp hub
- Machining of cpp hub blade carriers
- Measurement of shaft and rudder clearances
- Bonding application to shaft seals without withdrawing the shaft
- Changing the shaft seal and watertightness systems
- Shaft conical surface preperations, conical surface machining and conical surface fitting.
- Distortion and deflection controls of the shafts
- Spraying welding applications to the intermediate shafts
- Fiber coating applications to the water cooled shaft systems
- Renewal of shaft and rudder gland packings
- Manufaturing and fitting in place of shaft stopers
- Dismantling and refitting of rudder/court nozzles
- Dismantling and refitting of rudder/court nozzles stocks
- Dismantling and refitting of rudder pintles
- Machining of rudder pintles, rudder stocks and rudder bearings
- Opening of rope guards and rudder patches
- Maintenance of CPP system OD box
- Testing of all fitted items before and after undocking and delivering to vessel